API Call Conventions

All API calls are done via the /api path on the Syslog Server, for example:


Parameters can be passed either in the query string:

GET /api/sources/enable?id=abc123

Or as a request body in JSON:

POST /api/sources/enable
  "id": "abc123"

APIs will return null if the user is not authenticated and the Syslog Server is configured to require authentication.

Sources APIs


Get the sources currently configured in Fastvue Syslog.




Array of syslog sources.

    "id": guid,                  // ID of the source
    "enabled": bool,             // Enabled state
    "name": string,              // Source name
    "displayName": string,       // Custom display name for the source (optional)
    "sourceHost": string,        // Hostname of the syslog source
    "sourceIP": ip,              // IP Address of the syslog source
    "port": int,                 // Port number that the syslog source's traffic is received on
    "forwardEnabled": bool,      // True if syslog forwarding is enabled for the source
    "forwardHost": string,       // Hostname to forward syslog traffic to
    "forwardIP": ip,             // IP Address to forward syslog traffic to
    "forwardPort": int,          // Port to forward syslog traffic to
    "forwardTransport": string,  // Transport protocol to forward syslog traffic with
    "logFolder": string,         // Folder path/syntax to write log files to
    "logFilename": string,       // File name/syntax to write log files to
    "archiveEnabled": bool,      // True if log archiving is enabled for the source
    "archiveFolder": string,     // Folder path/syntax to archive log files to
    "archiveFormat": string,     // Compression format to use when archiving logs
    "archivePeriod": int,        // Number of days after which to archive logs for the source
    "error": string              // Last error from source


Enable specified source.


  "id": guid // ID of source to be enabled.


True if the source was successfully enabled;


Otherwise a string containing an error message;

"Source abc123 does not exist"


Disable specified source.


  "id": guid // ID of source to be disabled.


True if the source was successfully disabled;


Otherwise a string containing an error message;

"Source abc123 does not exist"


Add/edit a source


  "id": guid,                  // ID of the existing source to edit, blank to add new source
  "enabled": bool,             // Enabled state
  "name": string,              // Source name
  "displayName": string,       // Custom display name for the source (optional)
  "sourceHost": string,        // Hostname of the syslog source
  "sourceIP": ip,              // IP Address of the syslog source
  "port": int,                 // Port number that the syslog source's traffic is received on
  "forwardEnabled": bool,      // True if syslog forwarding is enabled for the source
  "forwardHost": string,       // Hostname to forward syslog traffic to
  "forwardIP": ip,             // IP Address to forward syslog traffic to
  "forwardPort": int,          // Port to forward syslog traffic to
  "forwardTransport": string,  // Transport protocol to forward syslog traffic with
  "logFolder": string,         // Folder path/syntax to write log files to
  "logFilename": string,       // File name/syntax to write log files to
  "archiveEnabled": bool,      // True if log archiving is enabled for the source
  "archiveFolder": string,     // Folder path/syntax to archive log files to
  "archiveFormat": string,     // Compression format to use when archiving logs
  "archivePeriod": int,        // Number of days after which to archive logs for the source
  "error": string              // Last error from source


True if the source was successfully added/edited.



Delete the specified source


  "id": guid // ID of source to be deleted.


True if the source was successfully deleted;


Otherwise a string containing an error message;

"Source abc123 does not exist"


Statistics for the specified source


  "id": guid // ID of the source


Stats of the specified source:

  "id": guid,                  // ID of the source
  "displayName": string,       // Custom display name for the source (optional)
  "sourceHost": string,        // Hostname of the syslog source
  "sourceIP": ip,              // IP Address of the syslog source
  "messagesPerSecond": int,    // Number of messages received from source per second
  "messages": int,             // Total number of messages received from source
  "size": int,                 // Total disk size of logs for source
  "archiveSize": int,          // Total disk size of archived logs for source
  "dates": [                   // Per-date Statistics
      "date": date,            // Date of this statistics block
      "messages": int,         // Number of messages received on this date
      "size" : int,            // Disk size of logs for this date
      "archiveSize" : int      // Disk size of archived logs for this date


Log information for the specified source


  "id": guid // ID of the source


Log metadata for the specified source:

  "sourceID": guid,               // ID of the source
  "totalLogSize": int,            // Total disk size of logs for source
  "averageDailyLogSize": int,     // Average daily disk size of logs for source
  "totalArchiveSize": int,        // Total disk size of logs for source
  "averageDailyArchiveSize": int, // Average daily disk size of logs for source
  "logs": [                       // Per-log details
      "log": string,              // Log filename
      "messagesCount": int,       // Number of messages in this log
      "size" : int,               // Disk size of this log
      "archiveSize" : int,        // Disk size of archive for this log, if present
      "dates": [                  // Per-date details
          "date": date,           // Date for this block
          "messages": int,        // Number of messages in this log for this date
          "size": int,            // Disk size of data in this log for this date
          "archiveSize": int      // Disk size of archived data in this log for this date
  "archives": [                   // Per-archived-log details
      "log": string,              // Archive filename
      "messagesCount": int,       // Number of messages in this log
      "size" : int,               // Disk size of this log
      "archiveSize" : int,        // Disk size of archive for this log, if present
      "dates": [                  // Per-date details for log as object props
          "date": date,           // Date for this block
          "messages": int,        // Number of messages in this log for this date
          "size": int,            // Disk size of data in this log for this date
          "archiveSize": int      // Disk size of archived data in this log for this date
  "dates": [                      // Per-date size statistics
      "date": date,               // Date of entry
      "size": int                 // Disk size of data for date
  "archiveDates": [               // Per-date archive size statistics
      "date": date,               // Date of entry
      "size": int                 // Disk size of archived data for date


Statistics for all sources




Statistics for all sources

  "totalLogSize": int,               // Total disk size of all logs
  "totalArchiveSize": int,           // Total disk size of all archived logs
  "totalMessages": int,              // Total messages stored
  "totalMessagesPerSecond": int,     // Current total messages per second
  "totalMessagesPerSecondMax": int,  // Peak total messages per second
  "sources": [                       // Per-source details
      "id": guid,                    // Source ID
      "displayName": string,         // Custom display name for source
      "sourceHost" : string,         // Hostname of syslog source
      "size" : int,                  // Total disk size of logs for source
      "messages" : int,              // Total messages received from source
      "archiveSize" : int,           // Total disk size of archived logs for source
      "dates": [                     // Per-date details
          "date": date,              // Date for this block
          "messages": int,           // Number of messages for this source for this date
          "size": int,               // Disk size of data for this source for this date
          "archiveSize": int         // Disk size of archived data for this source for this date


List of files for the specified source


  "id": guid // ID of the source


List of log file information

    "log": string,         // Log file path
    "name": string,        // Log filename
    "modified": date,      // Timestamp of last write
    "sha": string,         // Path to SHA256 file
    "size": int,           // Disk size of log
    "messageCount": int,   // Number of messages in log
    "dates": [             // Per-date statistics
        "date": date,      // Date for this block
        "messages": int,   // Messages for this date in this log
        "size": int        // Disk size of data for this date in this log


Retrieve a log file


  "id": guid,     // ID of the source
  "file": string  // Name of file to retrieve


If the request is valid and the file exists in the correct location, the file is returned directly in the response as Content-Type: application/x-octet-stream.

Otherwise a string containing an error message;

"Source abc123 does not exist"

Or False;



List of archived files for the specified source


  "id": guid // ID of the source


List of archived log file information

    "log": string,         // Archive file path
    "name": string,        // Archive filename
    "modified": date,      // Timestamp of last write
    "sha": string,         // Path to SHA256 file
    "size": int,           // Disk size of archived log
    "messageCount": int,   // Number of messages in archived log
    "dates": [             // Per-date statistics
        "date": date,      // Date for this block
        "messages": int,   // Messages for this date in this archived log
        "size": int        // Disk size of data for this date in this archived log


Retrieve an archived log file


  "id": guid,     // ID of the source
  "file": string  // Name of file to retrieve


If the request is valid and the file exists in the correct location, the file is returned directly in the response as Content-Type: application/x-octet-stream.

Otherwise a string containing an error message;

"Source abc123 does not exist"

Or False;


Auth APIs


Submit login info for authentication


  "u": string, // Username
  "p": string  // Password


Session token guid if the login was accepted;


Otherwise a blank string


If a token is returned, this token should be provided as a cookie named t with each subsequent request.


Log out current user




True if the user was successfully logged out.


AppInfo APIs


The version of the application for display in the UI




Application version as a string.


Settings APIs

Global settings information


Get default listening ports.




Array of default listening ports.

[514, 50514]


Set the list of default listening ports.


Array of listening ports to set.

[514, 50514]


True if the default listening ports were changed.



Retrieve the current global settings.




Current global settings.

  "defaultLogPath": string,     // Current default log path
  "defaultArchivePath": string, // Current default archive path
  "autoDiscover": bool,         // True if automatic source discovery is enabled
  "authEnabled": bool,          // True if authentication is required to access Syslog Server
  "authUsername": string        // Username to use for authentication


Set global settings.


  "defaultLogPath": string,     // Default log path
  "defaultArchivePath": string, // Default archive path
  "autoDiscover": bool,         // True to enable automatic source discovery
  "authEnabled": bool,          // True to require authentication to access Syslog Server
  "authUsername": string,       // Username to use for authentication
  "authPassword": string        // (optional) New password to set for authentication


True if global settings were applied.



Get the initial configuration status.




True if initial configuration has been completed:


Otherwise false:



Set the initial configuration status.


  "initConfigured": bool // True to indicate that the initial configuration has been completed


True if initial configuration status was applied.
