Troubleshooting Aliases

If you have added new items to your aliases, you may accidentally cause hits to be assigned to the wrong alias. This is due to conflicts in your alias definitions.

To remove conflicts from your aliases:

  • Go to the Aliases dock by clicking the Aliases tab at the top of the screen.

  • Click the Troubleshoot aliases link to open the Troubleshoot Aliases dialog.

This dialog will scan your aliases for conflicts such as:

Exact duplicates The same item in two different aliases.

Partial duplicates Part of an item in two different aliases.

Superfluous includes Part of an item duplicated in an alias.

Once the scan has finished, a list of conflicts will be displayed. You can choose how to resolve each one.

To do this:

  • Select the conflict

  • Click on the Resolve button to launch the Resolve dialog

  • Choose your desired way to resolve the conflict

  • Click OK