Import Options

The Import tab of the Options dialog enables you to configure settings related to importing log files.

To access Import options:

  • Select Tools | Options from the main menu to launch the Options & Settings dialog

  • Click the Import tab

This tab enables you to configure the following options:

Ignore importing issues When importing data into a storage, issues may be encountered. If this option is checked, Vantage Ultimate will continue importing log files regardless of how many issues are encountered.

Stop importing once this many consecutive issues are raised You can configure the number of consecutive issues that can be encountered before the import is terminated. The default number of issues is 15. This can be changed by entering a new number in the 'Stop importing once this many consecutive Issues are raised' edit box.

Stop importing once this many issues are raised In addition to the number of consecutive issues, you can also configure the total number of import issues that can be encountered before terminating an import. The default is set to 1000. This can be changed by entering a new number in the 'Stop importing once this many Issues are raised' edit box.

Analyze data during import When Vantage Ultimate imports data, it also runs an analysis on your data at the same time. This analysis is then saved back into the storage. This allows ad-hoc analyses to be instantly available when using the 'use precalculated analysis' feature, but slows import speed. You can therefore turn this feature on or off depending on the way you use Vantage Ultimate (see Precalculated Analysis).