Summaries Options

The Summaries tab of the Options dialog enables you to configure settings related to the Summaries dock.

To access Summaries options:

  • Select Tools | Options from the main menu to launch the Options & Settings dialog

  • Click the Summaries


This tab enables you to configure the following options:

Include advanced summaries in analyses All schemas have certain Summaries that are considered 'basic'. That is, they are considered more useful for meaningful analyses that other more 'advanced' Summaries. You can select whether to generate all the Summaries, or only the basic Summaries by default when running an analysis. To generate all Summaries, check the 'Include advanced summaries in analyses' checkbox.

Hide Summaries with only one item You can automatically remove Summaries that contain only one item from the list of Summaries created when you run an analysis. To do this, check the 'Hide Summaries with only one item' checkbox. Summaries containing only one item will be removed from the Summaries Tree, however you can still view their information in the overview information that is displayed when you select a folder node in the tree.

Show Descriptions under summaries instead of beside them This option changes the position of each Summary's description when you select a folder node in the Summaries Tree.

Extensions This tab also allows you to manage your . Click Add and enter the Command for your external program. Enter %1 into the command at the point you would like a selected item on the Summaries screen inserted. For example 'ping %1'. Give your extension an name and click OK. You will then be able to use this extension on the Summaries screen by right-clicking an item and selecting Extensions from the pop-up menu.