Publishing Reports

In addition to Generating Reports as documents, you can provide your users with a secure URL to access reports that they are permitted to view by publishing reports to the Web Module.

Before you can publish reports to a Web Module, you must have first installed the Web Module, and connected to the Web Module from Vantage on the Web Module tab.

To publish reports to the Web Module, simply click the Publish Report link on the Reports or Web Module tabs. This launches the Publish Report Wizard that guides you through the process of publishing reports.

You can also automate the process of publishing reports via Tasks, using the Publish Report to Web Module Task Action.

The Publish Report to Web Module Wizard

The Publish Report to Web Module Wizard has the following pages:

Storages Page

On the Storages page, check the Storage that contains the data you want to report on.

Templates Page

On the Templates page, confirm the Report Template you want to publish.

Note: Only Report Templates based on Schemas in your selected storage(s) are available in this list

Publish Page

The Publish page has the following options:

Report Title
The Report Title defaults to the name of your Report Template, however you can rename it as desired each time you publish the report. This is useful if you are applying a filter (such as a Username filter) when you publish the report and would like to name the report appropriately.

Publish to
Select the Web Module you would like to Publish the report to. Usually, you will only have the one Web Module available here, but you can install multiple Web Module's on different servers if needed. For example, if you are an Managed Service Provider (MSP) you can have a separate Web Module server for each of your customers.

Make this report available for collation

Note: This feature has become obsolete with the addition of the Dynamic Reports tab in the Web Module that enables users to collate multiple reports of the same type into one report (7 daily reports into one weekly report for example). This feature is still available for legacy purposes.

If you are publishing the same report each day or week, you can collate those reports into one monthly or yearly report, avoiding the time and disk space associated with reporting on a month or year's worth of Storage data.

This option produces separate XML formatted reports with a specified 'tag'. You can then select this tag to collate all the data in all the XML reports together, and generate or publish a single report. See Collating Reports.

Publish the selected storages to enable the "Further Analysis" feature
In addition to Publishing your Report(s) to the Web Module, this option also publishes the storage(s) that contain the raw data for the report.

When viewing reports in the Web Module, users can then hover over items and click the 'Further Analysis' icon. This then performs an Analysis on the item they were hovering over, enabling them to drilldown past the bounds of the data defined in the Report Template.

Split & Permit Page

The Split & Permit page is the heart and soul of publishing reports to the Web Module. It defines how reports are separated, and who has permission to the resulting reports.

There are two main options on the Split & Permit page:

  • No Separation
    Select this option if you want to publish just a single report. This option is great if you have an ad-hoc report request such as a user investigation report on someone specific (using the Filters page), and you want to publish that report for a specific person, such as the user's manager.
  • Report for each...
    Select this option if you want to publish multiple reports for each user, each manager, or each group (such as Departments or Offices).

Once you have decided how you would like your reports to be split, you can then decide who should have permission to the resulting reports. The options for permissions vary depending based on how you are splitting the reports.

No Separation

When choosing No Separation, only one report will be published to the Web Module. You then decide who will have access to this report.

  • Everybody:
    This permission will make the report available for anyone with permission to log into the Web Module and view Reports (configured in the Web Module Permissions section).
  • Specific Users or Groups:
    This permission makes the report available to selected individual people and/or groups of people (as configured on the Organization tab).
  • Mangers of Specific Users or Groups:
    This permission makes the report available to the Managers of selected individuals, of the people assigned as Managers of any groups you select. To find out who a user or groups manager is, select that Group on the Organization tab and go to the Hierarchy tab.

Report for each User...

When choosing Report for each User a separate report will be published to the Web Module for each user in your Organization. You then decide who will have access to these reports.

  • Everybody:
    This permission will make all the resulting user reports available for anyone with permission to log into the Web Module and view Reports (configured in the Web Module Permissions section).
  • Allow each user to access their report:
    This permission makes each user report only available to the person that the report is about. For example, John Smith will be able to access John Smith's (his own) report.
  • Allow only managers of each user to access their report:
    This permission makes each user report only available to the person's manager that the report is about.
  • Allow others to access the report:
    This permission makes all the resulting user reports available to selected individual people or all people within selected groups (as configured on the Organization tab). This permission is great if you have a HR manager or CEO that needs to have permission to all User reports.

Report for each Manager...

When splitting reports by Manager, Vantage will generate a report for each Manager in your Organization. Their report will be filtered by the people underneath them in the Organization Heirarchy. You can decide if the report should include immediate subordinates only, or all subordinates (all people underneath them).

For example, your CEO my have a few VPs that report to them, and those VPs manage other people, including other managers. You can choose if your CEO receives a report with immediate subordinates only (just the immediate VPs), or all subordinates (everyone their VPs manage and everyone underneath all lower level managers).

Note that choosing all subordinates results in a longer report generation time as Vantage will report on large sections of your organization multiple times (The CEO's report will contain information about the people under the VP of Engineering, and the VP or Engineering's report will contain information about those same people. Each report is processed separately.)

Once you have chosen whether the reports should contain immediate or all subordinates, you need to select the permissions for the reports:

  • Everybody:
    This permission will make all the resulting Manager reports available for anyone with permission to log into the Web Module and view Reports (configured in the Web Module Permissions section).
  • Allow each Manager to access their report:
    This permission makes each manager report only available to the manager that the report is intended for. For example, if John Smith is a manager, only John Smith will be able to access the report containing John Smith's subordinates.
  • Allow only managers of each Manager to access their report:
    This permission makes each Manager report only available to the manager of the manager that the report is about. For example, if John Smith is a manager, only John Smith's Manager will be able to access the report containing John Smith's subordinates (John Smith himself will not have permission to the report).
  • Allow others to access the report:
    This permission makes all the resulting Manager reports available to selected individual people, or all people within selected groups (as configured on the Organization tab). This permission is great if you have a HR manager or CEO that needs to have permission to all Manager reports.

Report for each Group...

When splitting reports by Groups, Vantage will generate a report for each Group as configured in your Organization tab). Simply select the Group that you want to split reports by (such as Departments or Offices). You can then select the desired permissions for the reports.

  • Everybody:
    This permission will make all the resulting Group reports available for anyone with permission to log into the Web Module and view Reports (configured in the Web Module Permissions section).
  • Allow each Group to access their report:
    This permission makes each Group report available to everyone within the group that the report is about. For example, everyone in the Marketing department will be able to access the Marketing department's report.
  • Allow only managers of each Group to access their report:
    This permission makes each Group report only available to the Groups manager that the report is about. For example, only the manager of the Marketing department will be able to access the Marketing department's report. To find out who a group's manager is, select that Group on the Organization tab and go to the Hierarchy tab.
  • Allow others to access the report:
    This permission makes all the resulting Group reports available to selected individual people or all people within selected groups (as configured on the Organization tab). This permission is great if you have a HR manager or CEO that needs to have permission to all Group reports.

Report for each Other

The Other options is used when you need to split reports by something other than what is configured on the Organization tab.

For example, you may have configured a Subnets Alias to group Source IPs into Networks, and you want to publish a separate report to the Web Module for each Network.

Click the ... button to select a Summary and optional Alias to separate your report by.

Publishing Reports to the Web Module still ultimately relies on the configuration of your Oganization. For this 'Other' option to work, you need to match the field/summary you are splitting by, to an entity in your Organization (either a Group or a User). To do this, edit or create a Group or User on the Organization tab, and enter a value into the Attributes section.

For example, say your Subnets alias returns the values "New York Office", "London Office", and "Sydney Office". Go to the Organization tab and create a Group or User called "New York" and in the Attributes section, add the value "New York Office". Repeat for the London and Sydney Offices. You'll then be able to split the report by Source IPs aliased by Subnets and a report will be published for each of your Networks.

Once you have selected the field/summary to split your report by, you can configure the desired permissions for the reports.

Note: The permission text refers to User or Group as this is ultimately the type of entity the report will be split by, but the resulting reports will be based on the field/summary you selected.

  • Everybody:
    This permission will make all the resulting reports available for anyone with permission to log into the Web Module and view Reports (configured in the Web Module Permissions section).
  • Allow each User or Group to access their report:
    This permission makes each report available to the user or group object that has the attribute. To use the example above, if you have a Group called 'New York' with the attribute 'New York Office' (one of your Subnets), all Users contained in the New York group on the Organization tab will have permission to access the report. If, on the other hand, you have a User called New York with the Attribute 'New York Office', only that User will be able to access the report when they login to the Web Module.
  • Allow only managers of each User or Group to access their report:
    This permission makes each report only available to the User or Group's manager. Again, to use the example above, if you have a Group called 'New York' with the attribute 'New York Office' (one of your Subnets), only managers of the New York group will have permission to access the report. If, on the other hand, you have a User called New York with the Attribute 'New York Office', only that User's Manager will be able to access the report.
  • Allow others to access the report:
    This permission makes all the resulting reports available to selected individual people or all people within selected groups (as configured on the Organization tab). This permission is great if you have a HR manager or CEO that needs to have permission to all User or Group reports.

Filters Page

When publishing a report to the Web Module, you may like to specify a Filter such as a Date filter, or a Username (Field Value) filter. For more information see Filtering.

Notification Page

The Notification page enables you to send an email to each user that has permission to view the resulting reports. This email is sent after the reports finish publishing and contains the URL to access the report. The users must have a valid email address configured in the Organization tree to receive an email. Alter the email subject and body as desired. The % parameters will insert each user's respective details automatically.

The Report Publishing process will now begin. Once complete, users with permission to view the report will be able to log in to the Web Module and view the reports on the Reports tab. These reports will also become input to the Dynamic Reports tab, where users can collate multiple reports into one report simply by selecting the report template and desired date range.

Note: You must provide users with the 'Report | View' permission on the Web Module screen for them to access the 'Reports' tab within the Web Module.